The Present and the Future of Nursing and Midwifery
6th - 7th September 2012


Instructions for paper authors

Instructions for paper authors:
  • Send by e- mail (see the dead line)
  • Text editor MS W0RD
  • Letters Times New Roman CE, size10,  single lines
  • Second strip: skip
  • Third strip: whole names of authors  without titles
  • Fourth strip: whole name of institution
  • Fifth strip: skip
  • Sixth strip: Summary (1500 – 1800 symbols), aim, method, results, short content
  • Skip one strip
  • Key words separate with dash –, max. 5
  • Do not us Enter at the end of the strip, do not use color typing.
Text structure : outline the problem, aim of the paper, results, contribution, recommendation
Title of paper not longer than 9 words
Approx. 50 000 letters
Edges 2,5cm, in blocs
Tables graph, diagrams, shames at the end of paper
Contact address, e-mail at the end of the paper


University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice,
Faculty of Health and Social Studies

Responsibility: František Dolák
Webmaster: Jiří Košíček